Hastings County Historical Society

Belleville Lawn Bowling Club

This is an announcement in the Intelligencer on Thursday July 16, 1908 for a meeting of those interested in forming… Read More Belleville Lawn Bowling Club

In November 1923, the local newspapers were full of the story of Elijah Bundock, a minister of the Apostolic Church… Read More Stirling Minister Tarred and Feathered

By Orland French One day when Elizabeth Mitchell was assessing and filing some materials at the Archives Centre, she came… Read More A Tribute to Elizabeth Mitchell

On August 1st, the new website for the Hastings County Historical Society was launched. The Society has been working on… Read More New Hastings County Historical Society Website Launched

Thanks to everyone who filled in our recent membership survey form. Forty responses were received and a summary report of… Read More 2023 Membership Survey Update

Belleville Mayor Mitch Panciuk has declared Saturday, September 28 to be British Home Child Day in Belleville. Belleville was the… Read More British Home Child Day in Belleville 

The Grand Old Lady of Hay Bay, as it is known casually, is wearing a new dress. In the fall… Read More A New Dress for Old Hay Bay Church

NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITY ARCHIVES:  Don and Joyce Keller of Keller Pools began to take photographs of Belleville in 1964.… Read More Four Decades of Belleville Buildings

The County of Hastings had been around in some form or other for 78 years before Canada was created in… Read More Canada 150: Here was Hastings County in 1867

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