On August 1st, the new website for the Hastings County Historical Society was launched. The Society has been working on this project for the last two years. A committee was tasked with a study of the existing website with the job of modernizing it and making it work better for the Society and its many members.
We want to thank those most actively involved: Gerry Fraiberg, a former director and vice-president of the Society, and current directors, Steve Young and Stanley Jones, as well as Amanda Hill, the archivist of the Community Archives of Belleville and Hastings County. Countless hours have been spent working on the proposal and then on the implementation of the ideas to upgrade our website. We worked with Ken Dickson and Sarah Orr of Snap360, a website design firm based in Belleville. We also want to thank them for their work and interest in helping us achieve a website that matched our plans.
Explore the new features: the improved Bookstore, the addition of the Historical Plaques website we had maintained as a separate site in the past, the video section, our activities section and many others. The entire website reflects our new graphic design that you have been seeing in our new logo, Outlook newsletter and our promotional coffee mugs and pins.
We are very excited about the updates and will be working to keep the website up-to-date in the future. Keeping Coming Events current, the Society’s news freshly published in a timely fashion, adding stories regularly, adding to the Bookstore on a continuous basis and working to maintain the quality of the website will become a regular part of the Board’s meetings held most months of the year. The website is an ongoing project and needs additional material added, and we will be doing that work. But it was time to launch the site and make it available to all members of the Society. Your thoughts and feedback on this project are always welcome.